This had some pretty nice writing to it. Either that or you just improved the voices. Either way, it was creative and funny.
This had some pretty nice writing to it. Either that or you just improved the voices. Either way, it was creative and funny.
that was pretty hypnotizing. Nice job!
It's not working for me. Put some more effort into your drawing. Or at least, keep it consistent, your walking bodies looked good, but your faces and backgrounds were pretty bad.
that was amazing. Very nice frame by frame animation you got here!
you've got dedication to take the time to make this stuff!
great job
Sorry man, but stick figures are pretty much dead. Be a little more creative next time.
im not that good yet, but ill be moving off soon
you might want to go back and edit this one.
the music keeps playing after it's done, the artwork is pretty poor quality, the voices are too quiet, there's a part where the trees just stop on one side of the screen while they're driving, and there's some random white square in it.
put more effort into it.
shows potential
the art was cool, too bad nothing really happened.
It shows potential, just make something interesting happen.
That was really nice, very creative and unique style!
I loved how you wrote out the word WIND.
it's ok
consider adding subtitles, since it's hard to tell what's being said at times.
color wouldn't hurt either.
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Age 36, Male
Student Film maker
Helena, AL
Joined on 4/16/05